Growth Rate: Fast
Aquaria Placement: Background
Light Requirements: Very flexible low-high
Fertilizer Requirements: Regular dosing
Special Requirements: Trim regularly
Limnophila Sessiliflora also known as Asian Ambulia is a very popular species in the hobby as it's very undemanding and beautiful. This species is a fantastic choice for breeder tanks, but also stunning in both Dutch and Nature aquariums.
The delicate leaves look stunning once acclimated, but the plant itself is not delicate at all, instead it's extremely hardy and capable of growing in almost any aquarium. This plant can be grown easily without co2 injection, high light, or even fertilization, however, when optimal conditions are met, this plant can grow very quickly.
Individual stems will send out multiple side shoots that can be easily trimmed and replanted, to create dense cover quickly. The density of the foliage will make fauna more comfortable and is a fantastic plant to use when attempting to breed various species of egg scattering fish or livebearers. This species also has a very unique grow pattern, in higher lights the plant gets "leggy" and stretched, sometimes up to 2-3" in-between nodes, but in lower light environments, they'll grow more compact and the spacing between the nodes will be a little as 0.2". This grow style is fairly opposite of how most stem plants grow, but it's a great indicator of lighting levels within a tank.
Limnophila Sessiliflora is sold in bunches of 6 stems/crowns, these are display quality stems. The stems are approximately 5"+.