"Slice of the Jungle" 36"x36"x18" Terra/Paludarium

Top shot of the finished scape.

Terrarium and paludarium - high tech, kessil LEDs, orchids, african violets, bromeliads, ferns, 3D backgrounds, and custom waterfalls.


Side shot.

Terrarium and paludarium - high tech, kessil LEDs, orchids, african violets, bromeliads, ferns, 3D backgrounds, and custom waterfalls.


OOpposite side shot.

Terrarium and paludarium - high tech, kessil LEDs, orchids, african violets, bromeliads, ferns, 3D backgrounds, and custom waterfalls.


African Violet in scape.

Terrarium and paludarium - high tech, kessil LEDs, orchids, african violets, bromeliads, ferns, 3D backgrounds, and custom waterfalls.